Words of Encouragement During Sickness


The times when we fall sick are some of the hardest times to go through in life. Particularly if it is a sickness that disrupts the course of your normal life and you find that you are confined by it. Sometimes it’s not the medication that helps but words of encouragement during sickness. One thing that I can tell you is that no matter what your affliction is, there is still reason to hope.

The best thing to do during these times is to take your mind away from the affliction. Find things that you enjoy doing and do those things. You can also take up new interests and hobbies as well. If you find that you are alone most of the time, take up reading or writing. You can even write a journal of how you feel and some of the things you are experiencing. You might even surprise yourself and come up with your own words of encouragement during sickness.

This is not the best time to shut yourself in and close people out. You need to surround yourself with people that care about you and are concerned about you. If you need anything or anyone don’t be too proud to ask for help. You should never feel that people don’t have time for you, they do, you just need to tell them that you need to have them around you. You can find more words of encouragement during sickness at jimfeeny.org.

Another thing that you need to have at this time is faith. I know a lot of people go through life and never give a lot of thought to religion and God. It is never too late and this is an opportunity to reorient your life in the right direction. It is from the faith that we have some of the best words of encouragement during sickness. You can also go to quotegarden.com/health.html for some words that you can look up every day for inspiration.

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