20 Inspirational Quotes For Working Out

man and woman gym

Health and fitness is  a very important aspect in one’s life. Constant exercising is not a joke as sometimes you will be feeling lazy but all you need is a little encouragement to get up and do workout.

Take a look at our 20 inspirational quotes for working out that will help you to be motivated to rise up and accomplish your workout goal because if you can shift laziness aside you can do it. I know you can and you know it too.

Inspirational Quotes For Women Working Out

Words of encouragement are there to motivate and change one’s thinking. Most women have trouble sticking to their workout plan but do no worry, we are here for you with inspirational quotes for working out and dieting.

  1. “The successful warrior is the average woman, with laser-like focus.”-Unknown

    20 Inspirational Quotes For Working Out

  2. “The more you workout, the weaker his knees get!– Unknown

  3. “Lifting weights doesn’t make women huge. But Cupcakes do!– Unknown

  4. “It’s easy to spot strong women. They are the ones who nail it in the gym!-Anonymous

  5. “When you see a woman with smudged lipstick and runny kajal, you know she just finished a killer workout!– Anonymous

    20 Inspirational Quotes For Working Out

  6. “Action is the foundational key to all success.’— Pablo Picasso, visual artist

  7. “To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise”.-GENE Turnney

Short Inspirational Quotes for Working Out

Everyone needs a little push and encouragement to be able to accomplish certain goals. Check out our inspirational quotes for working out and stay motivated to keep going.

  1. “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”– Henry David Thoreau,

    20 Inspirational Quotes For Working Out

  2. “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”-Michael John Bobak

  3. “If you think lifting is dangerous, try being weak. Being weak is dangerous.”-Bret Contreras, sports scientist

  4. “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”-Vidal Sassoon

    20 Inspirational Quotes For Working Out

  5. “The clock is ticking. Are you becoming the person you want to be?”-Greg Plitt, fitness model

  6. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”-Henry Ford

  7. “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”-Bruce Lee

    20 Inspirational Quotes For Working Out

  8. “You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”-Michael Jordan

Funny Inspirational Quotes For Working Out

Working out can be very serious and stressful. It need a little bit of flexibility. Coaches or trainers can use these best inspirational quotes for working out for fitness to be enjoyable.

  1. “Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going! – Jillian Michaels

  2. “I need to get in shape. If I were murdered right now, my chalk outline would be a circle.”-Unknown

    20 Inspirational Quotes For Working Out

  3. “Eat clean, stay fit, and have a burger to stay sane.” – Gigi Hadid


    20 Inspirational Quotes For Working Out


We hope our collection of inspirational quotes for working out was of great help in motivating you on your fitness progress. Please remember to stay alert on our website for more best encouragement words that will leave you inspired and motivated.

See also  100 Inspirational Get Well Soon Quotes, Wishes & Messages